Carpet Cleaning Chemicals
Carpets can be dirtied with a variety of types of dirt, stains, blood, grease, rust, and bacteria. RapidClean Newcastle has a wide range of carpet cleaning chemicals to assist in their removal. We also sell and service carpet cleaning machines.
Particular chemicals have been designed to be efficient against specific types of stains ,residues and odours:
* protein-based, such as dairy, blood, food
* bodily fluids like urine, faeces, vomit
* fats oils and greases, such as lipstick or salad dressing, workshop grease
* mould killing (fungicidal chemcials) and mould stain removal
* builders clean carpet chemicals to break down cement (acidic) or Gyprock (alkaline NOT acidic which hardens gyprock when wet)
Carpet extractors are commonly used to agitate and remove the soils and stains once they have been released.
It is important to understand the possible impact chemicals can have on the carpets or fabrics. Carpet Cleaning chemicals treat dirt removal differently, will have varying PH levels, colour impact, soil release properties that need to be considered before applying them. These different types of chemicals are to be used separately to avoid unexpected outcomes. Some will need to be rinsed and sometimes neutralised.
Appropriate microbial cleaners can effectively remove bacteria and urine crystals, which tend to cause offensive odours.
Chemicals may sometimes be used on all fabrics. Wool and sensitive fabrics may need testing in inconspicuous places for colour fastness, and impact on fabrics. While cleaning is typically improved with warm water, excessively hot water can damage both machines and carpets.
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