Carpet Spotters
Spot Cleaning Carpets
Spot Cleaning is the technique of cleaning a small section of carpet rather than cleaning an entire room or hallway. Spot cleaning is typically required for a specific stain and a variety of chemicals more effective than general carpet cleaning would typically be used.
When removing stains from carpet, the first step is identifying the stain, remove excess soil or liquid, and pretest the cleaning product in an inconspicuous area. Apply the spotter with a clean white cloth and gently dab the stain working from the outside towards the centre. White clothes will not leach colour onto the carpet or upholstery. Pat and blot up the loosened stain with towelling.
Coffee Stains: Use a spotter such as Unbelievable, Coffee Break or CTR. For more information click here
Blood Stains: Use a spotter such as Unbelievable, Sensation or Protein Spotter
Wine Stains: Use a spotter such as Coffee Break. For more information click here
Grease Stains: Use a spotter such as Unbelievable, Grease Release or POG
Rust Stains: Use a spotter such as Trusty or Rust Remover
Equipment for spot cleaning could be small portable carpet extractors, or larger wide-area carpet cleaners fitted with small upholstery tools that spray discreetly and then strong focussed suction extracts liquids.