Enviro Friendly Products

RapidClean has a strong focus on Environmentally Friendly cleaning products sourced from an extensive group of Australia's leading cleaning product suppliers. We offer you effective cleaning solutions that do not harm the ecological environment. This supports your efforts to protect your staff and customers in a sustainable way.

Eco-friendly household cleaning brands are conscious of your family's health and the well-being of the earth. Pretty much everything washed down household drains in Australia goes to a wastewater treatment plant where most particles and chemicals are removed or diluted, and then the water is discharged into our waterways.

Rapid Clean's house-branded chemical products come with recognized credentials. Examples are Disinfectants like Lemon Fresh, Spruce, Eucalypt

Environmental Credentials Scheme is a voluntary, multiple-criteria-based, third-party accreditation scheme for commercial cleaning products, developed by industry body accord. The Scheme identifies environmentally preferable commercial cleaning products through science-based criteria. 


A major challenge is to effectively clean using a machine without using chemicals. Water-only cleaning can be very effective in applications that do not have oil residues or deeply ingrained/ infused stains. After all, most dirt is easily dislodged and swept or scrubbed away using mops, brushes, and vacuums. Call us to discuss your challenge and our environmentally safe solution. 

However, soiling from chemical residues and stains, foods, or body fats, are often hard to release. Machines that can be considered use technology to release dirt through options like high-pressure washing, steam, mechanical floor scrubbing, deionization, and electrostatic attraction. 

Rapid Clean offers equipment that uses no chemicals like:

High-pressure washing - from Gerni, Kerrick, Makinex, and Aussie Pumps

Orbital scrubbing - from Nilfisk and Conquest

Scrubbers - from Tennant, Karcher, Hako, and Nilfisk. Tennant systems use proprietary electrically charged water systems that cause dirt to be repelled off surfaces for easier cleaning extraction.

Deionization - in window cleaning, from Unger and Aero Attack water-fed pole systems

Electrostatic attraction from Oates brooms

Nilfisk orbital scrubbing: Nilfisk Adfinity Orbital Cleaning water only

Makinex rotary/wand high pressure: Makinex DPW-4000

Where using chemicals with the equipment is necessary, we can recommend chemicals that are biodegradable, offering sustainably responsible cleaning options.

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Agar Geca Certified Products Rapid Cleaning Products  Enviro Friendly Products