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How Online Training Works
RapidClean in conjunction with Registered Training Organisation Daniels Associates, offers a comprehensive range of affordable Online Cleaning Training Courses packed with valuable information. There are currently 14 courses available covering all the basic aspects of cleaning operations and knowledge requirements for Certificates II and III in Cleaning Operations.
You simply click on the course below which will take you to the course enrolment page. After completing all your personal details you will pay by credit card. When you have completed your enrolment and payment you will be emailed a user name and password. The courses take 4-6 hours to complete depending on your existing knowledge. You can leave and enter the web site as many times as you like.
You will read through each section of the course. After completing a section you are required to answer a number of multiple-choice or true/false questions. You must answer all questions correctly. Should you answer any question incorrectly you will be informed of your incorrect answers and re-directed to the beginning of the section.
After successfully completing a section of the course the system will save your results. Should you log out and log back into the system you will re-start the course where you left off. If you only partially complete a section the system will re-start after the last section you successfully completed.
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